Contributing Guidelines
Before contributing to this repository, please discuss any proposed changes with the owners through an email.
Please remember to read our code of conduct.
- Fork the project on GitHub to create your own personal copy.
- Clone your fork to your local machine, with your GitHub repository referred to as origin.
- Add the original repository as a remote named upstream. If your fork was created some time ago, make sure to pull in changes from upstream into your local repository.
- Create a new branch for your work, branching from develop if it exists, or from master otherwise.
- If you are contributing to the rules or applications:
- If you are contributing to the platform code (src folder):
- Ensure that you have followed the common coding guidelines of Go.
- Ensure that there are no compilation/runtime errors or functional bugs.
- Combine your commits into a single commit. Ensure your commit message clearly describes the changes made to the code, rather than detailing the actions you performed.
- Push your branch to your fork on GitHub, using the remote named origin.
- Then, open a pull request from your fork, targeting the project's develop branch if available; otherwise, select master.
- After your pull request is approved and merged, you can pull the changes from upstream into your local repository and delete any extra branches you created.